Feminism Starter Kit!

I’ve considered myself a feminist for about six years now, but if you’re new to the whole feminist world here’s a little list of things you need to get you started.

First, show the world your new found feminist status with this unisex, long sleeve t-shirt from Ms. Magazine.

Long Sleeves - TIWAFLL Detail

Next, show how much you love yourself and your (or your special woman’s) parts with some uterus goodies from I Heart Guts.

UTERUS-no-hangtag_grande OVA-ACHIEVER-UTERUS_lrg_grande(more items available)

Have you heard of the Free the Nipple campaign? Well, now you have! Show your support for desexualizing female nipples with the TaTa Top. It’s a bikini top with nipples!


(available in two other shades)

And because you know you love Ryan Gosling as much as you love feminism, why not combine the two? Buy the Feminist Ryan Gosling book from Amazon.


After you’ve purchased all the items for your Feminist Starter Kit, you’re ready to go out and smash the patriarchy! Congratulations Feminist!

All fun and games aside, if you want to become a feminist you don’t need special tools or symbols, you just need yourself and a genuine desire to create a world where everyone has an equal opportunity no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Pick up books on feminist theory if that’s your thing, or don’t. Maybe your focus is on pay equality. Great! Read up on current legislation regarding the pay gap and make your voice heard in politics. Be the kind of feminist you want to be. There’s no need to conform to any stereotype of what a feminist can or can’t be. Psst. You can still love men, wear a bra, and shave your legs if you’re a woman who identifies as feminist despite what you may have heard. And men can be feminists, too.